Saturday, June 17, 2017


Fit, Fiesty and Talia mutter together for a minute about how to best hide the dragon and decide on a glamour.
Fitheach Eun: Dragon, we need to know your name; it will help the magic
Savage.Taurus: Magic? What kind of tricks you wanna do to me?
Fiesty Lotus: "Yer certain yer want ter go ahead with this dragon?"
Fitheach Eun: You are too conspicuous as you are


Talia.Sunsong: "He tries to eat airships. He's worse than me!"
Fitheach Eun: You may actually have a point there, Talia
Fiesty Lotus guffaws behind her hand
Savage.Taurus: I'm not conspicitous!
Talia.Sunsong: nods enthusiastically

Savage.Taurus: I look awesome you and all know it and you all are just jealous and stuff
Fitheach Eun: Oh right, who tried to eat an airship?
Fiesty Lotus: Yer can't go into town like that- they will get mad
Talia.Sunsong: cocks head "I don't think you would pass as a seagull"
Fitheach Eun: I'm sure none of the locals noticed that
Savage.Taurus: seagull? phewy! I eats seagulls

Fitheach Eun: Remember that weapon they hit you with?
Savage.Taurus: grumbles, "I don't know what you're talkin 'bout"
Talia.Sunsong: pulls out wand "I can do Fae magic on him! Turn him into a newt."
Savage.Taurus: Don't you dare, nanny!
Talia.Sunsong: swishes wand through the air, dropping sparks in grass
Savage.Taurus: jumps back

Fitheach Eun: Oh right and I did not heal you, either I suppose?
Fiesty Lotus winces
Savage.Taurus: glares at the impetuous drood
Savage.Taurus: Why I gotta change? I like being me

Ready to Begin

Talia.Sunsong: "do you like villagers with torches chasing you?"
Fitheach Eun: You are too large, and too conspicuous to move around unnoticed
Fitheach Eun: Now what would you like to be?
Savage.Taurus: sighs, "Ok drudid, what are my choices?"
Talia.Sunsong: "Newt?"
Fitheach Eun regards the others questioningly
Savage.Taurus: growls
Talia.Sunsong: "Rabbit?"
Savage.Taurus: How bout I just look like you silly folk for now?
Fiesty Lotus nods

Talia.Sunsong: "No fairy wings for you" preens hair
Savage.Taurus: My wings are better anyway
Fitheach Eun: safest and probably easiest for us
Fiesty Lotus begins to mutter a soft chant to the earth spirit
Fitheach Eun looks worriedly at Talia's wand
Savage.Taurus: Will I have clothes like you all?
Talia.Sunsong: looks at Dragon's leathery wings "My wings are prettier"
Fitheach Eun calls on the water and air spirits
Talia.Sunsong: "I'll help!" waves wand frantically
Savage.Taurus: Your wings are tasty
Fiesty Lotus adds fire to her chanting and touches her staff to the earth

The Incantation

Fitheach Eun: the dragon is surrounded by a blue glow
Talia.Sunsong: "Quick change him before he eats my wings."
Talia.Sunsong: waves wand faster and chants in Fae tongue
Savage.Taurus: Hey, that feels weird. I don't think I like this....
Fitheach Eun: the blue glow pulses and slowly turns color...
Talia.Sunsong: wand starts to send out colored waves

Savage.Taurus: I don't want to be a silly biped...I changed my mind!
Talia.Sunsong: "Too late"
Fitheach Eun continues to chant softly
Talia.Sunsong: "You'll be a biped and like it"
Savage.Taurus: growls
Fitheach Eun: the glow cycles to green
Fiesty Lotus’s staff grows strong in the spirit

The Druids' Staves Glow

Savage.Taurus: whispers, "Ok, now don't tell anybody.... I've never told anyone name is...."
Talia.Sunsong: "Magic wand do as I say, turn this one today"
Savage.Taurus: mumbles something under his breath
Fitheach Eun: I can't hear you Dragon
Savage.Taurus: come closer
Savage.Taurus: huddles conspiratorially
Talia.Sunsong: moves closer
Savage.Taurus: My name is....
Fitheach Eun moves closer
Savage.Taurus: whispers, "...Svagtuz..."

Fitheach Eun: As soon as Svagtuz gives his name, the haze deepens and the colors cycles from green to yellow and then to red and back to blue
Savage.Taurus: Don't tell no one!
Talia.Sunsong: "Does it give us magic power over you?"
Savage.Taurus: NO!
Savage.Taurus: You got no powers over me, gnat!
Fitheach Eun: the druids' haze deepens and obscures the dragon completely

The Glowing Haze Covers the Dragon

Talia.Sunsong: "Hmphh just trying to help."
Savage.Taurus: Hey, what's happening?!
Fiesty Lotus visualizes a tall Victorian human standing there
Savage.Taurus: Oh, this is not good, this is not good at all
Fiesty Lotus chants deeper
Fitheach Eun catches Fiesty's image and concentrates on it
Savage.Taurus: Ugh...I think I'm gonna barf
Fitheach Eun: the swirling haze pulses brightly; still changing colors
Talia.Sunsong: adds her chaotic Fae magic to the haze of magic power

Savage.Taurus: …shouldn't have eaten that extra sheep...they go straight to my hips....
Talia.Sunsong: notices wool in grass "you should drink cream instead"
Fitheach Eun: The druids’ staves glow brightly and pulse with the haze
Fiesty Lotus looks to Druid Fit and Talia
Savage.Taurus: Your sticks are all glowin and stuff. Is that supposed to happen?
Fitheach Eun: The haze flashes brightly and swirls up; the dragon cannot be seen
Savage.Taurus: Ahhhhh! Noooooooo
Talia.Sunsong: small white spheres fly off the fae wand and swirls in the haze
Talia.Sunsong: "Ooooo pretty magic"
Fitheach Eun: Suddenly the globe collapses

A New Victorian

Savage.Taurus: Gah! What have you done to me? I'm hideous!
Talia.Sunsong: "No, you're cute."
Savage.Taurus: looks down at his feeble form
Fitheach Eun: the druids' staves glow dies and Fit staggers back almost exhausted
Talia.Sunsong: "Not only did we make you into a man, we made you into a good looking one."
Fitheach Eun appraises the man standing where the dragon had been....”Not bad.”
Savage.Taurus: What are these clothes? I look like a haberdasher in drag!

Baby Dragon Rorn gazes "Dada?"
Savage.Taurus: Oh no! I don’t want the kid to see me this way!
Savage.Taurus: He will never respect me
Talia.Sunsong: "Why not? You are handsome.'
Savage.Taurus: Ugh! I look like one of!
Fitheach Eun: It is nearly sundown; if we are going to find this hideout we had better go
Talia.Sunsong: runs hands along curves "No, you don't look like one of us females."
Fiesty Lotus just smiles at their work

The Dragon is Transformed

Savage.Taurus: sighs and grumbles, "I could never tell the difference anyway. You all look the same to me."
Talia.Sunsong: "Is there food at the hideout?"
Fiesty Lotus: Yes, let’s get to the hideout
Talia.Sunsong: "I need to hide my wings and the baby dragon"
Savage.Taurus: I could just tell you by your wings, you little kidnapper
Fiesty Lotus: I did find some veggies from a garden
Fiesty Lotus: They be back tere
Savage.Taurus: grumbles, "Gonna be hard to catch a decent meal in this form"
Talia.Sunsong: "I didn't kidnap the baby dragon, he followed me after I fed him."
Savage.Taurus: Luring unsuspecting juveniles with your sweet treats. Its scandalous.
Fitheach Eun pulls out her cloak and wraps it around her covering most of her gear and  pulls the braids down over her ears..."You said there were no elves here, my sister?"

Talia.Sunsong: waves her wand to knit the grasses together into a shawl
Fiesty Lotus: I did not see any but humans
Savage.Taurus: When do I get a wand like y'all have?
Talia.Sunsong: "Weave you way into cloth, make the shawl I have sought."
Fitheach Eun: If you want to be a druid, you will have years of study ahead
Savage.Taurus: Study? Sounds boring
Talia.Sunsong: glowing balls, small move into the grass, which bends and weaves itself into a simple shawl

Fitheach Eun: It was very interesting
Savage.Taurus: I gotta find some other dragons to teach me stuff
Fitheach Eun: Will you lead us, my sister?
Fiesty Lotus: Yes, I know the way
Talia.Sunsong: puts on shawl, hiding wings and baby dragon
Savage.Taurus: Y'all are sisters? You don’t look anything alike. Maybe you were kidnapped like my kid
Savage.Taurus: follows them begrudgingly

Trying to Look Inconspicuous

Fiesty Lotus slides along, trying to look inconspicuous
Fitheach Eun drifts like a shadow behind her
Talia.Sunsong: follows the Hobbit "Which house is our hideout? I'm hungry."
Talia.Sunsong: looks at the carriage. "Look hornless unicorns pulling humans”
Fitheach Eun stops amazed at the strange birds
Fiesty Lotus jimmies the door the way Can has it set up
Fitheach Eun: closes the door carefully and bolts it again
Savage.Taurus: Better than horny unicorns, let me tell ya. This one time....
Talia.Sunsong: "Home?"

The Hideout at Last

Fitheach Eun: This is quite nice, Fiesty; you and Can have done very well
Talia.Sunsong: scoofs "Unicorns are too proud to pull a carriage. At least the hornless unicorns can't stab me."
Fiesty Lotus: It be dusty but nobody should find us.
Talia.Sunsong: sees pile of produce on the floor. "Food!"
Talia.Sunsong: digs through pile. "tomatoes, radishes, eggplant. Hey, no cream!"

Fitheach Eun flicks a spark to the candles and lights them
Fiesty Lotus: There be my veggies - It were all I could find time fer."
Talia.Sunsong: "You didn't milk a cow?"
Fiesty Lotus: They be goats next door; we will get us some tonight
Talia.Sunsong: "you'll get us some cream?" licks lips in anticipation
Savage.Taurus: goes up the stairs and finds mattresses
Fiesty Lotus: "No, goat's milk
 Talia.Sunsong: "Why is there a brain in a jar?" pokes jar and brain sloshes in fluid. Talia wrinkles nose
Savage.Taurus: Oh, a bed. I'm tired from all that tranforminatin. Gonne rest a bit.

Dragon Rests

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