Friday, November 5, 2021


Rorn bounds out of the Fae mushroom house
Rorn stops to stare at the pumpkins in the garden outside
Savage.Taurus: “Hey son. You know these orange gourds are useful for scaring the humans.”

"Son, those gourds are useful for scaring humans."

Talia.Sunsong: "Oh the pumpkins have grown so big"

Talia.Sunsong: "Scare!" Rorn looks eagerly at Savage.”
Savage.Taurus: “They are so superstitious. You just have to carve scary faces in them and then watch the silly humans go nuts.”
Fiesty Lotus sees Rorn with that cute baby grin.

Talia.Sunsong: “Oooo lets carve a pumpkin so Fiesty can cook a pie with the insides.”
Savage.Taurus: “You can use your claw like this...”

"You can use your claw like this..."
Fiesty Lotus: “Ahh, that would be nice I think.”

Savage.Taurus transforms just his hand in to a dragon claw and starts carving holes in the pumpkin.
Talia.Sunsong: “You get to cook, I get to eat, Savage gets to teach and Rorn gets to scare. It's a win-win situation.”
Savage.Taurus makes a scary face in the large round gourd.
Talia.Sunsong: “No, a win-win-win-win situation.”
Fiesty Lotus smiles.
Savage.Taurus opens up the top and dumps out the pulp.
Rorn tries to imitate Savage. He digs his smaller claws into a pumpkin.
Savage.Taurus: “That’s right. Good job, son.”
Rorn claws rake clumsily over the surface of the pumpkin.
Savage.Taurus: “When the humans see these, they run for the hills, leaving their valuables behind for easy picking.”
Savage.Taurus “Great way to increase your hoard.”
Rorn: "Shinies? "
Savage.Taurus: “Mmmm. Yes.”
Talia.Sunsongs ears perk up at the word "shinies.
Rorn: "Shines ! Shinies! SHINIES!"
Savage.Taurus sits back to admire his work and then starts on another one.
Rorn digs faster into the pumpkin
Savage.Taurus: “That’s it. You got it. Make the face as frightening as possible.”
Talia.Sunsong: "You do need a bigger treasure hoard to sleep on Rorn. You are growing."
Savage.Taurus: “Those dumb humans will jump at their own shadow.”
Fiesty Lotus watches, bemused.
Rorn digs a face into the pumpkin that looks like a lopsided grin
Savage.Taurus “Hey Nanny. You can help out too, if you want.”
Talia.Sunsong "Work?"
Savage.Taurus chuckles.
Fiesty Lotus giggles.
Talia.Sunsong: "I'm a fae. I use magic to work." Talia roots through her satchel for her magic wand.
Savage.Taurus steps back, not trusting the fae with her wand.
Fiesty Lotus looks on with  trepidation.
Talia.Sunsong: "Aha. Here it is!" Talia pulls out her bent magic wand.”
Savage.Taurus: “Uh, Rorn, you might want to get out of the way.”
Fiesty Lotus backs up.
Savage.Taurus: “Don't need her turning you into a parakeet.”
Talia.Sunsong: "Put the pumpkin head on the scarecrow body."
Savage.Taurus: “Oh now that’s a good idea.”
Savage.Taurus: “That'll really scare those idiot humans.”
Fiesty Lotus just keeps looking nervously at Talia's bent wand.
Talia.Sunsong: "I'm really good at this now!"
Talia.Sunsong: "Now how did that spell go?"
Savage.Taurus: “Um, if you say so....”
Fiesty Lotus cries "Spell? You know a spell?"
Talia.Sunsong: "For our treasure hoard to survive, Pumpkinhead scarecrow come ALIVE!"

"Scarecrow, come alive!"
Savage.Taurus steps back and looks apprehensive.
Talia.Sunsong points her wand at the scarecrow. The wand vibrates then explodes at the tip.
Fiesty Lotus watches as the wand glows and seems to vibrate.
A shower of sparks falls on the pumpkin head.
Fiesty Lotus covers her eyes.
The eyes of the pumpkin head blink
An evil smile comes over the crooked face of the head.
Fiesty Lotus peeks through her fingers and groans.

The pumpkinhead scarecrow cackles with laughter.
Fiesty Lotus: “Noooo Talia. What have you done?”
Talia.Sunsong: "See I did it!"
Savage.Taurus “You did. Something....”
Talia points at the scarecrow with her wand. It bats away the wand, knocking it out of Talia's hand.
Talia.Sunsong: "Hey, you big orange bully!"

"Hey you big bully."
Fiesty Lotus: Don't you remember the dancing brooms that got so out of hand?
Savage.Taurus: “Hmmmm.”
Savage.Taurus: “Hey, scarecrow! Go to the human village and scare them.”
Fiesty Lotus: “Oh no.”
Fiesty Lotus grabs her staff.
The scarecrow hops on its one pole and spins.
Fiesty Lotus: “Savage, you don't want to loose this on some poor humans.”
Savage.Taurus shrugs, "Why not?"
Laughing with glee, the scarecrow starts hopping away.
Talia.Sunsong: "Uh oh, did I do bad?"
Rorn chases after the scarecrow.
Savage.Taurus: “I think you did just fine, sweetie.”
Fiesty Lotus: “Because it' not right. They should be allowed to live quietly.”
Rorn tries to grab the scarecrow's pole with his teeth.
Savage.Taurus sighs and rolls his eyes at the hobbit.
Fiesty Lotus gives chase, her staff in hand.
Savage.Taurus follows along in amusement
Talia.Sunsong: flies after them. "What do we do?"
Fiesty Lotus: “We must stop it. It could hurt someone.”
Savage.Taurus: “Ok Druid. Do your druidy thing.”
Talia.Sunsong: "Ummm, wand do what it must to make the scarecrow bust." Talia points her bent magic wand. A few sparks fly out, creating a trench.
Fiesty Lotus lets out a wind gust with her staff.
Fiesty Lotus: “I will see if I can knock it down.”
The wind slams into the scarecrow. The scarecrow screams as it falls into the trench, then begins to slide downhill.

"I will see if I can knock it down."
Fiesty Lotus runs and tries to blow it down.

Savage.Taurus watches as the scarecrow tumbles into the river and floats downstream.
Fiesty Lotus: “Oh dear, now what?”
Talia.Sunsong "We'll teach you a lesson squash head!"
Talia.Sunsong looks over the riverbank. "Hey, the scarecrow floats."
Talia.Sunsong: Cursing, the scarecrow flails its straw arms as the currents pull it down the river.
Fiesty Lotus hurries after it.

Savage.Taurus: sighs again and turns into dragon form and flies after the scarecrow.




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