Saturday, April 21, 2018

Goddess of the Nile

The Portal's Runes are Glowing
Fitheach Eun stands at the portal and regards the glowing runes. “I think we should see where it goes?”
Everyone crowds through the portal and stops in astonishment. They are standing in front of a small house made from an unfamiliar material.
Fitheach Eun watches a large ship as it glides by
Talia.Sunsong: looks at a sphinx "Who is this cat guy"
Saphira Mistwalker: I don't know, they look like guardians
Talia.Sunsong: "They won't come alive, will they?"
Fitheach Eun: “I hope not”
Saphira Mistwalker: “I guess that depends on whether or not we do something wrong. Sometimes that triggers a magical guardian.”

Let's Go Inside?
Fitheach Eun: “Let’s go inside then.”
Fiesty Lotus stares at a picture of Cleopatra
Talia.Sunsong: "This woman with wings looks like a fairy"
Saphira Mistwalker: “Interesting pictures. Some of these people have skin as dark as mine”.
Fiesty Lotus: “Mighty interesten’ pictures”
Freedman Epaphroditus whispers: I think Egypt will become the Roman province of Aegyptus.
Fitheach Eun turns quickly: " Who spoke?"
Savage.Taurus: I'll bet there's a horde of gold around here
Fitheach Eun: look this one has the head of a hawk
Cleopatra Philopator: "I will not be triumphed over."
Saphira Mistwalker frowns. "That woman in the corner. I wonder what she meant by that?"
Fitheach Eun wanders off to look at the statue of a doglike figure
Saphira Mistwalker looks in wonder at the carvings on the wall.
Freedman Epaphroditus looks at Talia, and stops dead in his tracks, his mouth hanging open
Freedman Epaphroditus: "You, you, you..."
Talia.Sunsong: Talia looks at the man. "Me, me, me? What did I do now?"
Freedman Epaphroditus kneels before Talia. "My Goddess, in the flesh!"
Talia.Sunsong: "Me? Goddess?"
Saphira Mistwalker turns to the conversation, raising an eyebrow
Fitheach Eun walks back in just in time to hear that and stifles a laugh
Talia.Sunsong: She turns to look at her friends. "See I told you, the portal took us to a place where Fae are worshipped as gods."
Fiesty Lotus wrinkles her nose
Fitheach Eun shakes her head in disbelief
Savage.Taurus: smacks his head and rolls his eyes at the thought of anyone worshipping a fae
Freedman Epaphroditus looks at Talia. "Isis, you have come here to bless us!"

My Goddess in the Flesh
Saphira Mistwalker mutters under her breath, "Oh my goddess"
Freedman Epaphroditus whispers: Cleopatra has been planning a war of revenge to array all the East against Rome, establish herself as empress of the world at Rome, cast justice from Capitolium, and inaugurate a new universal kingdom.
Savage.Taurus: Your sis? She's not your sister, buddy.
Rorn peeks out at the man.
Freedman Epaphroditus continues. "And you bring your blessed friends from the land of the gods." He indicates the winged ones and other friends of Talia.
Savage.Taurus: mutters under his breath, "This guy is out of his mind"
Saphira Mistwalker nods, trying to keep up appearance. "That is right, we have accompanied your goddess to this place."
Savage.Taurus: whispers, "Now we have to pretend she's a goddess? I don't think I can stomach this"
Fitheach Eun looks at Savage and nods, rolling her eyes
Saphira Mistwalker shushes Savage, "Our other options might be less savory."
Talia.Sunsong: "Yes, yes. I AM a GODDESS."
Fitheach Eun sighs deeply
Talia.Sunsong: clears her throat and tries to look regal
Fiesty Lotus cringes
Saphira Mistwalker sighs and whispers, "I hope he doesn't want proof"
Savage.Taurus: "I think this guy might be savory," feels his mouth water
Talia.Sunsong: "I can do magic." She searches for her wand
Fitheach Eun: Perhaps we should look around?
Talia.Sunsong: "Yes, I GODDESS, will look around with my followers."
Freedman Epaphroditus whispers: She said "My honour was not yielded, but conquered merely."
Fiesty Lotus: Yes- Let's see what else is out here.
Talia.Sunsong: looks for cream
Savage.Taurus: speaks up, "Yea, man. She's your goddess. Can you point us to your treasure?"

Goddess Talia
Saphira Mistwalker: I'm sure our "Goddess" will want some offering.
Talia.Sunsong: "Yes, offer me lots of things, and cream."
Talia.Sunsong: "Pretty shiny things are good offerings too."
Fitheach Eun sighs again and walks back towards the door
Fiesty Lotus follows
Cleopatra Philopator whispers: Fool ! Don't you see now that I could have poisoned you a hundred times had I been able to live without you!
The door leads to a small harbor.
Fiesty Lotus: “Oh, what a lovely ship.”
Fitheach Eun: “It is quite lovely.”
Saphira Mistwalker: “These people build a lot of steps down into the water.”
Talia.Sunsong: “Makes me want to bathe.”
Saphira Mistwalker: “Maybe that is why, they like baths?”
Fitheach Eun: “Let's keep looking around?”

Talia Spies a Throne Room
Talia.Sunsong: “I see a throne room.”
Saphira Mistwalker follows Lady Fit
Fiesty Lotus: “These folks do live high.”
Saphira Mistwalker: “Aye, they do.”
Fitheach Eun: “These buildings are amazing.”
Saphira Mistwalker: “This took a lot of work.”
Savage.Taurus: “Yes, these surroundings are pleasing.”
Saphira Mistwalker: “Even a bigger dragon would be comfortable here.”
Talia make a beeline for the throne.

Talia Makes a Beeline for the Throne
Fiesty Lotus: “Talia, what you doin up there?”
Saphira Mistwalker mutters, "Probably something we will regret."
Fiesty Lotus nods miserably
Fitheach Eun: “Who is that man, Talia?”
Talia.Sunsong: "Don't Goddesses stand up here?"
Fiesty.Lotus: “Come down from there Fae Talia!”
Talia.Sunsong: looks at man with fan. "Fan me, I'm too hot... and bring me peeled grapes."
Saphira.Mistwalker sighs
The man with the fan stares open mouthed at the Fae.
Fiesty.Lotus moans
The temple attendant looks at Talia in dismay
Temple Attendant: “You cannot stand here, this is the temple of Horus”
Savage.Taurus: “How do you peel a grape?”
Talia.Sunsong: "I am the Goddess Isis made flesh.”
Talia.Sunsong: "I can stand where I want to stand."
Saphira.Mistwalker: “Horus? That would explain the big hawk.”

Peel Me a Grape
Fitheach.Eun: “uh oh....”
Saphira.Mistwalker: “Oh dear.”
Savage.Taurus: mutters, "Oh lord...."
Fiesty.Lotus: “Savage , we gotta get her outta here. She is going too far.”
The acolyte looks sternly at the fae: "That is nonsense. The goddess would not appear here in the lord's temple."
Savage.Taurus: sighs and rolls his eyes
Talia.Sunsong: "Bring me pretty shiny things... jewels, gold coins."
Saphira.Mistwalker: “My Lady Isis, perhaps we should depart.”
Talia.Sunsong: "I want boxes and boxes of treasure."
Savage.Taurus: “ wait, maybe she's onto something.”
Talia.Sunsong: "I want gold goblets filled with cream!"
Saphira.Mistwalker: “Oh geez.”
The acolyte stammers: "This is his sacred precinct"
Savage.Taurus: “I say let her play this out.”
Talia.Sunsong: "I am the GODDESS do my bidding."
Fiesty.Lotus: “It will not turn out good fer any of us...”
Savage.Taurus: shrugs, "What's there to lose?"
Talia.Sunsong: grabs the man's fan. "Fan me!"
Fiesty.Lotus: “Uh Oh”
The acolyte lifts his hands to the statue of the god beseeching

The Eye of Horus
Suddenly a glowing eye appears
Saphira.Mistwalker: “Um, Lady Isis ....”
Talia.Sunsong: "What, what?"
Savage.Taurus: whispers, "Who did that? Did one of you do that?"
Talia.Sunsong: "Eeeps, what is that?"
The eye hovers above Talia and a deep voice booms out: "You have no place here. Leave my temple now."
Saphira.Mistwalker: “Perhaps we should leave your, um, brother Horus in peace?”
Talia.Sunsong: "Me? Leave?"
Fiesty.Lotus nods vigorously
The eye moves closer threatening
Talia.Sunsong: "No cream or treasure?"
Savage.Taurus looks around for the source of the voice
The voice booms again: "Leave now!!!"
Talia.Sunsong: jumps
Talia.Sunsong: "Ok, ok, I'm leaving!"
Saphira.Mistwalker hisses in surprise, "I think we have worn out our welcome."
Fitheach.Eun: “Yes, let's go now.”
Fiesty.Lotus: “Ayup”
Talia.Sunsong: gallops down the steps

Getting Out Fast
Saphira.Mistwalker looks back, hoping they are not being followed.
Talia.Sunsong: runs to the barge
Talia.Sunsong: "Uh oh, that was close. What was that glowing thing?"
Fitheach.Eun: “The god Horus, I think.”
Saphira.Mistwalker nods. "I sensed a powerful presence.”
Talia.Sunsong: "You mean he's real?"
Saphira.Mistwalker: “Apparently here he is.”
Fitheach.Eun: “It would appear so.”
Talia.Sunsong: "I hope I'm not in trouble...."
Fiesty.Lotus looks up at Fae Talia sitting on the Barge’s throne "Some things never change"
Saphira.Mistwalker: “I hate to ask, but, when we arrived, I did not see a portal back. How do we get home?”
Savage.Taurus: “For a bunch of magic users, you all are easily impressed by a few simple glamours.”
Talia.Sunsong: "Oh no, I didn't think about getting back."
Fitheach.Eun: “Let's go back to where we landed; I think that doorway was the portal.”
Saphira.Mistwalker: “Oh, Savage, it is the nature of my people to want to stay out of sight. It has nothing to do with being impressed.”
Fitheach.Eun: “Let' go back where we landed?”
Saphira.Mistwalker: “Aye Lady Fit, I think we should.”
Talia.Sunsong: "Phoeey to angry gods. I was having fun." She crosses her arms over her chest.
Fitheach.Eun studies the doorway: “Savage, what do you see in this portal?”
Savage.Taurus: “I'm not completely convinced that was a god. Probably just a trick the priests use to scare off honest hardworking treasure hunters.”
Saphira.Mistwalker: “Well, I certainly sensed a powerful presence, god or no.”

Through the Portal
Talia.Sunsong: "I want to go back and be a GODDESS!"
Saphira.Mistwalker: And from this we learned, some people are not impressed if you claim to be a goddess
Fitheach.Eun: “Savage, we need to get out of here, please describe the runes.”
Savage.Taurus: "Hmm..." adjusts his spectacles and takes a peak at the doorway, twisting and turning the gears, " well, there are runes here.."
Savage.Taurus: takes a stick and draws in the sand the glowing markings that he sees floating about the portal
Fitheach.Eun builds each rune in the arch as Savage draws them
Saphira.Mistwalker watches hopefully as Lady Fitheach constructs a portal.
Fitheach.Eun: When the last one is complete they begin to glow
Saphira.Mistwalker breathes a sigh of relief.
Fitheach.Eun: “Ok let's go”
Fiesty.Lotus: “Hmm, I do gotta study them runes"
Fitheach.Eun: run...
Savage.Taurus: follows the fae nanny through the portal


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