Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Metamorphosis? - Part 1

Fiesty.Lotus finishes dressing in the clothes that Can had stashed in the sack and walks over to the bookcase
Fitheach Eun finishes winding her hair around her head to hide her ears and goes over to see what Fiesty has found in the old books
Fitheach Eun: A book lays open on the desk and Fit studies it
Fiesty.Lotus: I see some real technical books here
Fiesty.Lotus: I cant' make head nor tail of em

Looking at the Books 

Talia.Sunsong: looks over Fiesty's shoulder at what Druid Fitheach is studying
Fitheach Eun: this one on the desk has strange drawings
Talia.Sunsong: I can't understand the book either, but then again, I usually don't
Fitheach Eun: "I wonder what a dirigible is..."
Talia.Sunsong: It that a form of demon?
Fiesty.Lotus: Oh Talia, you do look nice in that and Sister- that dress becomes yer.
Fitheach Eun: "It could be..."
Talia.Sunsong: Twirls. "I look pretty?"
Fiesty.Lotus: Oh, look at the picture with it
Fitheach Eun: Ah thank you Sister, you look really good in that dress as well.

Fiesty Looking Good in the New Dress

Fitheach Eun: That picture looks like that flying ship Dragon attacked
Talia.Sunsong: Did the ship taste good?
Savage.Taurus: shrugs, "Meh....I've had better"
Fiesty.Lotus: Yes- it does- maybe thet is what the name means? “They are amazin”
Talia.Sunsong: stomach grumbles
Fitheach Eun darts a glance at Talia, knowing what will come next
Talia.Sunsong: pokes through pile of turnips. "Where's the cream?"
Fiesty.Lotus looks to see some history books and something called etiquette.
Fitheach Eun goes back to the books and turns a page
Fiesty.Lotus: “I think I might study these some.".

Wondering if the Books Can Help

Talia.Sunsong: "How is a Fae supposed to eat?" She holds up a turnip.
Fitheach Eun: “Me, too” "Just bite into it Talia"
Fiesty.Lotus smiles at the fae and nods
Fiesty.Lotus: "We do gotta eat."
Fitheach Eun: "You have all those pointy teeth, don't you?"
Talia.Sunsong: Looks askance at the turnip, gingerly takes one bite and drops the turnip to the wooden floor. "I'll starve to death"
Savage.Taurus:: "I'm hungry too," belches a small flame
Fitheach Eun: "Is it dark outside yet?"
Talia.Sunsong: Sniffs air. "I smell food cooking from outside"
Fiesty.Lotus looks up from the books and grabs a carrot to munch on.
Fitheach Eun: "Talia come back!"
Talia.Sunsong: throws open door
Savage.Taurus:: sniffs the air as well, and thinks he smells some promising morsels, "chickens...goats..."
Fiesty.Lotus: "Oh dear."
Talia.Sunsong: Ignoring the elf, she follows the food smells
Fitheach Eun sighs and follows her
Fiesty.Lotus: follows the hungry crowd
Talia.Sunsong: throws her cape over the baby dragon
Savage.Taurus:: finds a pen full of goats behind the neighbor's house

Savage Finds the Goats

Fitheach Eun regards the brightly lighted pier with awe; " What is that?
Talia.Sunsong: "Ohhhh! Look at all the sparking lights"
Fiesty.Lotus looks back at Savage
Talia.Sunsong: listens to tinny music from a pipe organ on the pier
Savage.Taurus: eyes the goat pen, then spots a chicken coop nearby, looking back and forth, trying to decide
Fiesty.Lotus: “You don't eat them you hear! The will find us if you do."
Fitheach Eun: "Sister, if you watch the dragon; I will try to control the fae?"
Fiesty.Lotus nods and hurries back
Talia.Sunsong: "Look at all the pretty,shiny things on the dock"
Fitheach Eun runs after the wandering fae finally catching up to her on the pier

Fit Chases the Errant Fae

Savage.Taurus: forgetting he isn't dragon size anymore, he hurdles the fence and attacks a goat, but he has no claws to sink into the goat flesh and his mouth won’t fit around the goat's neck
Fiesty.Lotus: "We needs the goats fer milk and the chickens fer eggs."
Fiesty.Lotus: you behave yerself now
Talia.Sunsong: stops by cotton candy machine
Talia.Sunsong: watches the sugar spin out into strands
Fitheach Eun spies a coin on the ground and picks it up
Savage.Taurus: becomes frustrated as the goat bleats and bucks and wiggles away. "Bah! This body is useless! How can you stand to live in this weak shape?"
Fiesty.Lotus: “We will find you meat soon- they got a market here”
Talia.Sunsong: sniffs the air "Ohh I want some."
Fiesty.Lotus: “We can get stuff there- hmm- a bit later on”
Fitheach Eun approaches the seller and offers him the coin silently
Fitheach Eun: He takes the coin and offers each of them a cone of the strange substance
Talia.Sunsong: "I want the pink one!"

Cotton Candy

The vendor then hands Fit several smaller coins back
Fitheach Eun stuffs them in belt pouch without looking and looks around at the flooring carefully for more
Talia.Sunsong: grabs a cone full of pink cotton candy. She takes a bite and smiles blissfully "It's sweet. No turnips for me!"
The vendor looks astonished; " My candy does not taste like turnips", he sputters
Fiesty.Lotus: “So, do you want to see what the market has - we might be able to pass fer citizens?”
Savage.Taurus: ignores the laughter of the man on the coal boat going down the river as he tries to wrastle the goat, but has no idea what to do without claws or a large mouth, and only manages to get poked in the eye by the goat's horn

River Barge

Fiesty.Lotus tries to snap the Dragon out of it and turns and notices the chickens
Fiesty.Lotus: “We might get some eggs here.”
Talia.Sunsong: runs over to where lights flash around a wheel
Savage.Taurus:: gives up in exasperation and then tries to figure out what the little one is going on about
Fiesty.Lotus: “Yer want ter eat??”
Talia.Sunsong: "What's this?" Talia touches the lights around the edge of the wheel
Fiesty.Lotus: “Then streighten uop and see the light- yer ain't a drahgon now”
Savage.Taurus: “Yeah, turn me back into my normal form. I can't eat anything like this.”
Fitheach Eun: "I do not know, Talia; I have never seen such a thing"
Fiesty.Lotus shrugs at the Dragon's stubborness
Fiesty.Lotus: “I am gonna get me some eggs”
Talia.Sunsong: A man standing nearby tips his hat. "You spin the wheel for money, Miss"
The old man at the sparkly wheel, politely hides a chuckle and steps aside
Savage.Taurus: follows the little one, "Turn me back, turn me back"
"You just spin it, miss" he says; sometimes you get prizes.
Talia.Sunsong: "I just spin a wheel and get money? That's easy." She tugs on wheel to make it move.

Just Spin the Wheel

Savage.Taurus:: Eggs? How can you live off such little things?
Fiesty.Lotus shakes her head- "It be all of us that can do that, you just learn to eat like a human fer awhile"
The man laughs. "You have to put money down for it to count."
Fiesty.Lotus grabs some eggs from the coop
Talia.Sunsong: stops tugging on wheel. "It takes money to make money? That's no fun."
Fiesty.Lotus: “These will cook up nice."
Savage.Taurus:: stomach grumbles loudly
Fiesty.Lotus: "yer can even eat em raw"
Fiesty.Lotus hands the Dragon an egg
Fiesty.Lotus: just watch fer the shell
Talia.Sunsong: runs over to the band organ
Savage.Taurus: grabs the egg and shoves it in his mouth and chomps down, making it explode and dribble down his chin
Talia.Sunsong: "Look at all the noise it makes. I wish I could make that much noise."
Savage.Taurus: messy, but good....crunchy, like a knight in armor

Savage Eats the Egg Shell and All

Talia.Sunsong: smiles as mechanical trumpets and pipes play.
Savage.Taurus: “Need more food. Get me more food, tiny person.”
Fitheach Eun gestures towards the shops beyond the pier. "Talia, let's go see what is there?"
Fiesty.Lotus: “Let’s go find this market - maybe we can find something there.”
Savage.Taurus:: "ok," follows her
Fitheach Eun sees a strange device by the steps down to the sand
Fitheach Eun: "Talia, is that a small carriage?"
Talia.Sunsong: With a growl, the baby dragon wriggles around under her cape. Smelling food, he sticks his head out
Talia.Sunsong: "I can't keep the baby dragon under this cape."
Fitheach Eun: I wonder if we could hide him in that carriage?
Talia.Sunsong: She follows Fit. Near the steps, is a forgotten carriage
Fitheach Eun climbs down the steps and pulls the blue carriage up onto the boardwalk
Talia.Sunsong: Eyes dart from side to side as she looks for anyone watching them
Fitheach Eun: "Will this work?"
Talia.Sunsong: "Blue matches Rorn, the baby dragon."
Fitheach Eun: “It does.”
Talia.Sunsong: She sets the dragon on the pillow in the carriage. He perches on the edge and looks eagerly around
Fitheach Eun smiles at the young one
Talia.Sunsong: Smiling proudly, she pushes the carriage with the baby dragon.

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