Saturday, June 3, 2017

The Other Side - Arrival

Talia Tumbles Through the Portal

Talia.Sunsong: tumbles through the black portal dotted with stars
Talia.Sunsong: "You can't have the baby dragon and quit eating my hair!"
Savage.Taurus: rushes through after the kidnapping fae
Fitheach Eun follows everyone out of the blackness
Savage.Taurus: "Give me back my kid. I'm serious. I'll rip your wings off!"
Talia.Sunsong: "Noooooo! Get away, get away, get away
Talia.Sunsong: runs out the other end of the portal
Savage.Taurus: "You seriously think you are going to steal a dragon whelp and get away with it?"

Fit and Fiesty

Fitheach Eun wonders at the bright sunlight and the sea in front of them and walks over to Fiesty
Fiesty Lotus: "Oh my; This is different. I dunno where we be?"
Fiesty Lotus shakes her head
Fitheach Eun: It does look strange; is that an ocean?
Fiesty Lotus looks at Can, who is already circling the area
Can Wobbit waves and say he is going off to scout around
Fiesty Lotus sights the fae and the dragon up ahead
Fitheach Eun turns and hears them
Fitheach Eun: I had better go try to intervene
Fiesty Lotus: "I do think I will scout about with Can. Tis may be a dangerous place."
Fitheach Eun: Oh, good idea, my sister. Who knows what is here
Fitheach Eun: I will try to keep those two here
Fiesty Lotus slides into the foliage like a canny hobbit can

Fiesty Slides into the Foliage

Fitheach Eun: the sylphs dance around Fit for a moment and then all stream off in different directions, disappearing quickly
Talia.Sunsong: "He prefers me. I think I'll call him Rorn."
Savage.Taurus: growls menacingly
Fitheach Eun looks at the dragon seriously; " You do realize we just saved your life?"
Talia.Sunsong: blinks at sun "What is this place"
Fitheach Eun: "And your child’s?"
Savage.Taurus: his roars reverberate across the land
Talia.Sunsong: "You mean I did a good deed? I should be rewarded."
Savage.Taurus: "What are you babbling about, elf?"
Fitheach Eun: Threatening the people who saved you is not very polite
Talia.Sunsong: "Yeah!" Nyah" She sticks out her tongue.
Fitheach Eun: And who knows where we are or what we will find here
Savage.Taurus: swipes at the annoying fae with his spiky tail
Talia.Sunsong: sniffs flower. "Hey!"
Fitheach Eun: working together may be a better course

Ungrateful Dragon

Talia.Sunsong: Darts up into air
Savage.Taurus: "What I'm gonna find is a dead fae and a dead elf if I don't get my kid back now!"
Savage.Taurus: flaps his wings and follows the little buzzing insect
Talia.Sunsong: "Rorn is right here, in my arms, a few feet from you."
Fitheach Eun sighs with irritation
Talia.Sunsong: "Perfectly safe"
Fitheach Eun: How will that help?
Fitheach Eun: Look Dragon....what is your name anyway?
Talia.Sunsong: pets the baby dragon who looks up at her with big eyes
Savage.Taurus: snaps at the fae with his jaws, and mutters "Damn I wish I had hands. I don’t tell my name to prey."
Talia.Sunsong: with practice dodging those irritated at her she darts aside
Savage.Taurus: I'm just gonna take my kid and go back home, and you can do whatever you like here
Fitheach Eun: There is no home to go back to; you have not been listening
Talia.Sunsong: "The Darkness ate it"
Fitheach Eun: The shadow destroyed all behind us; there is no going back
Savage.Taurus: What the blazes are you jammering about?
Fitheach Eun: We tried to tell you when we called the portal
Savage.Taurus: My gold hoard is back there
Fitheach Eun: The shadow sent a fog that destroys everything
Talia.Sunsong: "Gold?" Eyes light up
Fitheach Eun: Everything in the River Lands is gone now
Fitheach Eun: There is no back
Savage.Taurus: I don’t believe you! It’s a trick. It’s not going to work.
Fitheach Eun: “There is only forward which seems to be here right now. Why would I lie to you? I gain nothing from it."
Talia.Sunsong: "Just try going back through the portal. It won't work."
Savage.Taurus: Yea, because kidnappers are sooo honest
Talia.Sunsong: "Rorn came willingly"
Fitheach Eun: I have not kidnapped anyone; your quarrel is with the fae and she and I have never been friends

Arguing with the Dragon

Talia.Sunsong: "Because I’m so sweet."
Talia.Sunsong: "What? Not friends? I thought you all admired me."
Savage.Taurus: Oh, ok, so kill her for me and give me back my kid, and I'll let you live
Fitheach Eun raises an eyebrow; " Really Talia?"
Talia.Sunsong: "Kill me? Bad dragon, no bone."
Savage.Taurus: smacks the fae with his wing
Fitheach Eun: “I'm a Druid I am sworn to heal and protect all creatures. I kill only when there is no other choice.”
Savage.Taurus: Then protect my whelp and give it back to me
Talia.Sunsong: stumbles at the impact. "You, you, scaly thick headed, leather hided sea gull!"
Fitheach Eun: She may be annoying but she is a living creature.
Savage.Taurus: chuckles at the fae's curses
Talia.Sunsong: "Who is annoying?"
Savage.Taurus: snatches the fae and tosses her back at the portal
Talia.Sunsong: screams as she flies towards the portal. She hits it and bounces off it, slumping to the cave floor.
Fitheach Eun: You could hurt your child that way, Dragon
Savage.Taurus: Hmmm...that didn’t work. What kind of witchery is this?
Talia.Sunsong: stomps up to dragon, cursing, waving hand
Fitheach Eun: We told you there is no going back
Talia.Sunsong: "You're just lucky Fae are tough. I could have cracked my skull."
Savage.Taurus: I might still crack your skull
Fitheach Eun mutters that she thought that had happened long ago
Talia.Sunsong: sniffs air. "I smell food cooking" stomach growls
Fitheach Eun: Do you really want to risk harming your child again?
Savage.Taurus: Ok, so now you need to give me back my kid AND get me back to my horde
Fitheach Eun: I cannot send you back; you are not listening
Fitheach Eun: There is no back; it is all gone.

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