Friday, November 23, 2018

The Honcho?

Smoking Volcano

Savage.Taurus: Bull man? If you want to meet the big honcho in these parts, I can introduce you.
Talia.Sunsong: Is honcho a food?
Fitheach Eun: That would be great Savage; maybe we can bargain
Savage.Taurus: hehe...depends on your appetite
Savage.Taurus: it’s beef, primarily
Talia.Sunsong: looks confused and pets Rorn
Savage.Taurus: "Come this way," walks down the street and takes a few turns through the city

Fiesty.Lotus nods and looks around
Fitheach Eun: As long as it's not bull, we should be fine
Talia.Sunsong: follows while looking out for more cream
Fitheach Eun follows Savage warily
Savage.Taurus: walks down passageways, through arcades lined with brightly colored columns, down a set of staircases

Fiesty.Lotus tries not to look at the women in town
Talia.Sunsong: looks for shiny objects
Talia.Sunsong: I want a pretty skirt
Fitheach Eun gazes around, enjoying the colorful architecture

Snakes in her Hands

Talia.Sunsong: why does the woman statue have snakes in her hands?
Talia.Sunsong: Why are there bulls everywhere?
Savage.Taurus: stops at an open-air cafe, where a large muscular creature, with the head of a bull, sits eating a gyro
Fiesty.Lotus glances up and then down

Fitheach Eun: I would guess it is part of their religion, Talia
Talia.Sunsong: stops in surprise when she sees the man with the head of a bull
Fiesty.Lotus whispers under her breath "heathens."
Fitheach Eun looks at the Bull in the cafe and raises an eyebrow
Talia.Sunsong: "I thought I have seen everything as a fairy."
Fiesty.Lotus goggles at the creature

Savage.Taurus: walks up to the bull-man and says, "Hello, again. My friends here would like a word with you, if you don’t mind."
Fitheach Eun: There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy ;)

He's the Honcho?

Fiesty.Lotus frowns and nods
Talia.Sunsong: My Fae philosophy I learned from cats: eat sleep play
The creatures turns his overly large head, topped with long pointy horns, and eyes the newcomers up and down suspiciously
Talia.Sunsong: "You have pretty big eyes, Mr. Bull headed
Honcho: looks at the fae and chuckles
Fiesty.Lotus whispers to Druid Fit: "We need a way outa here."

Honcho: You have pretty wings. Would they regrow if I plucked them?
Fitheach Eun looks at the fae in disbelief
Talia.Sunsong: Rorn jumps off Talia's arm and lands on the table.
Talia.Sunsong: "Eeek don't touch my wings."
Fitheach Eun nods at Fiesty
Fiesty.Lotus mutters "Uh Oh."
Talia.Sunsong: Rorn sniffs around the food on the table

Fitheach Eun: “Mr Bull, we are looking for a portal to another world and wonder if you know where one is to be found?”
Fiesty.Lotus readies her staff for violence.
The minotaur watches the dragon whelp hop onto the table, and pulls his food away instinctively
Honcho: "Hmm....dragon pup," looks to Svag, "This one of yours?" Svagtuz nods and smiles.
Talia.Sunsong: Rorn licks up spilled sauce
Talia.Sunsong: "You know what Svagtuz is?"

Fitheach Eun looks to Savage to translate her question
The bulls eyes the elf warily, "portal you say?"
Fitheach Eun looks back levelly; "Yes a portal, have you seen one?"
Fitheach Eun: It's a kind of sparkly, hazy barrier you can go through...
The bull grins, "yea, we've met. He's really bad at riddles."
Honcho: The bull rolls his eyes, "I know what a portal is..."
Fiesty.Lotus is very confused by the dialog

Fae Talia

Talia.Sunsong: "He doesn't appreciate Fae paradise either. I tried to milk a unicorn there and we had to leave"
Honcho: the bull bursts out laughing in a low resonant burst
Honcho "I would have liked to see that" 
Talia.Sunsong: "Those unicorns are so picky. It didn't give up any milk either."

Fitheach Eun: “Have you seen a portal around here then?”
Honcho: The bull grins, " I hope it wasn’t a male unicorn"
Talia.Sunsong: "We need to leave here before the giants break out of the ground in the big smoky thing"
Honcho: "Well, that’s my problem too, you see," says the bull

Talia.Sunsong: "Lava giants I think is what druid Fiesty said, live in the big smoky thing."
Fitheach Eun looks at the Bull in exasperation: "If you could show us where the portal is we could be on our way"
Fitheach Eun: We don't exactly fit in around here
Honcho: "I do know where a portal is," says the bull, "But what's in it for me? Why should I help you?"
Talia.Sunsong: "And someday soon the lava giants will come smashing out of the big smoky thing, and rumble, and throw rocks and lava."

The Volcano

Fiesty.Lotus tries to hush the fae
Honcho: "...and how do you know about these 'lava giants'?"
Talia.Sunsong: "We don't want to be around when the lava giants rumble."
Talia.Sunsong whispers: "The magical little hobbit here told me.
Fitheach Eun considers the question..." Because we are nice, unassuming beings?"
Fiesty.Lotus looks exasperated

Honcho: the bull rolls his eyes and goes back to eating his gyro
Fitheach Eun looks at Fiesty and whispers: " Can we do it?"
Talia.Sunsong: "But this Hobbit here is a powerful druid."
Fiesty.Lotus whispers" We got ter give him somthin."
Fitheach Eun considers whether a gag might be good for Talia
Talia.Sunsong: "Don't give him my wings."
Honcho: "You come asking for a favor, but you bring me no gifts. you offer nothing in return...

Fitheach Tries to Bargain

Fitheach Eun takes a deep breath and looks at the Bull: "Suppose we calm your little fiery problem for you?"
Talia.Sunsong: Rorn starts drinking from a half drunk glass
Honcho: the bulls stops chewing and looks at them sideways, "I'm listening..."
Fiesty.Lotus hisses and twitches
Fitheach Eun: "We can stop that volcano if you tell us where the portal is."

Talia.Sunsong: Rorn hiccups
Savage.Taurus: the bull shoos the dragon pup away from his drink
Fitheach Eun: The hobbit and I are both powerful archdruids
Honcho: "How do I know you can do anything of the sort? You don’t look all that impressive"
Talia.Sunsong: nods her head. "They get me out of trouble all the time. They are powerful to do that."

Honcho: the bulls looks at the fae, "I have no doubt you get in trouble all the time. That much I believe"
Fitheach Eun stand up tall and calls a small lightning bolt to strike the bull's table
Fitheach Eun raises an eybrow; "Is that an adequate demonstration?"
Honcho: the bull stares at the elf and gives a low warning growl, "Watch yourself, elf"
Fiesty.Lotus draws hersef up to her 4' 4" frame and says: " Oh yes we can you Bull creature you."

Fiesty Raises her Staff

Fiesty.Lotus raises her staff threateningly
Honcho: the bull chuckles at the hobbit and pats her on the head
Talia.Sunsong: picks up Rorn who was startled by the lightning
Fitheach Eun: “Oh, I would not do that bull man.”
Fiesty.Lotus causes a rock to upend and fall in the creature’s soup
Fitheach Eun: She is way more powerful than she looks
Talia.Sunsong: "You are lucky the hobbit is nicer than the pixies. Don't get a pixie mad."
Fitheach Eun chuckles and smiles at Fiesty

Honcho: the bull sighs as the soup splashes him and pushes his chair away from the table, " Now you are just being rude"
Talia.Sunsong: Rorn jumps back on the table and licks up the spilled soup
Fitheach Eun: smiles at the bull: " And do not anger the druids for they are quick to respond."
Honcho: The bull drops his napkin on the table and stands up, displaying his full height, towering over them impressively
Talia.Sunsong: "Ooo you are big."
Fitheach Eun does not look impressed

Talia.Sunsong: looks at his sharp horns. "You don't ever stab anyone with those, do you?"
Fiesty.Lotus scowls at the Bull man
Honcho: "Show me you can do something about the volcano, and I'll think about helping you. Otherwise, don’t waste my time, ladies"
Talia.Sunsong: "He called me a lady. See I told you I was one."
Fitheach Eun: You know we will find the portal on our own eventually, but you will not survive what is about to blow up”
Honcho: the bull turns and walks away from the cafe without so much as a goodbye

The Bull Man Walks Away

Fiesty.Lotus nods thoughtfully
Fitheach Eun: I want a firm deal before we act
Talia.Sunsong: "They can do it, Mr. Bull man
Talia.Sunsong: "You can do it, can't you?" Talia turns to ask the druids.
Fitheach Eun calls after him: "I hope you like walking in molten lava.."
Fitheach Eun: You will burn your little hooves ;)
Honcho: the bulls turns a corner and disappears out of sight

Fitheach Eun shrugs and turns to the others: "So let's start looking for this portal."
Savage.Taurus: "That went well," Svag says sarcastically
Talia.Sunsong: "Let's go show that bull man that you can do something about the volcano."
Fiesty.Lotus: “Well then, let’s get to it, we don't wanna be fried”
Fitheach Eun: “Why should we exhaust ourselves?”
Talia.Sunsong: "Let's go to the big smoky thing before the lava giants escape"
Savage.Taurus: "he will hold up his end of the bargain. He helped me get out of the labyrinth yesterday"

Savage Reassures the Others

Fitheach Eun sighs and gets into the boat
Fiesty.Lotus gets in- trying to keep her skirts dry
The others get into the small boat and they set out for the volcano.
Savage.Taurus: "Maybe we could just try being a little more diplomatic next time?"
Talia.Sunsong: Rorn sits on the prow of the boat with his ears in the wind."
Fitheach Eun looks at Savage; " He was not being diplomatic."

On the Way to the Volcano

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