Sunday, March 4, 2018


The Mage's Map

Fitheach Eun clutched the grimoire and pointed to the map from the mage at the tavern
Fiesty Lotus pays strict attention
Fitheach Eun: "it appears the portal lies in that hilly area"
Talia.Sunsong: Pets a dazed Rorn. "It's okay, Rorn. You got rid of that scary spider by blowing it to bits!"
Fiesty Lotus gazes at the map and begins to get excited
Fitheach Eun smiles at the small dragon; " He was very brave."
Talia.Sunsong: Luckily, Rorn can't read the word "gunpower"
Fiesty Lotus: "Finally!"
Savage.Taurus: That was quite a little squabble. If I had my normal body, I would have squashed that bug easily.
Fiesty Lotus nods
Talia.Sunsong: "Those nasty minions had it coming."
Fitheach Eun: So now that we have had some time to recover, shall we seek this portal?
Fiesty Lotus: "Yes indeed."
Savage.Taurus: scans the hilly area of the map through his fancy spectacles
Talia.Sunsong: "Yes! I want to leave giant spiders and orcs and thugs wayyy behind."
Fitheach Eun: Fiesty, Can and I are anxious to rescue our friends

Ready to go Find a Portal

Savage.Taurus: I do see some markings on the map there, but I have no clue what they mean. You magically inclined peoples will need to translate.
Savage.Taurus: scribbles down the markings as best he can and hands it to Fit
Fitheach Eun: "Let's head that way then."
Fitheach Eun stuffs the markings into her belt pouch and grabs the crude map
Savage.Taurus: hops into the pilot's seat and shifts the lever into full ahead, making the ship lurch forward
Fiesty Lotus stares at the countryside until she sees the area
Fitheach Eun: "I think this may be it."
Talia.Sunsong: "Where ever that portal goes, I hope they have lots of cream."
Savage.Taurus: nods and brings the ship lower to the ground where they pointed
Fiesty Lotus: Fiesty  climbs down the rope ladder
Talia.Sunsong: jumps over the side of the airship and flaps her wings
Fitheach Eun slides down the ropes and scrambles up the hillside towards the cave

The Cave

Talia.Sunsong: "Maybe the portal will lead to a place where Fae are worshiped as gods."
Fitheach Eun raises both eyebrows: " I think that unlikely, Talia."
Talia.Sunsong: "Why? Cats were worshiped as gods in ancient Egypt. I'm as good as a cat."
Fiesty Lotus: "Stranger things on heaven and earth..."
Fiesty Lotus: "Yer never know."
Fitheach Eun gazes at the murky barrier in the small cave
Talia.Sunsong: practices her goddess poses
Fitheach Eun: "I do think this is it"
Talia.Sunsong: "Oooo we found it!"
Savage.Taurus: "If anyone is gonna get worshipped, it’s gonna be a dragon, of course," scoffs
Fitheach Eun: Yes, but what now?
Talia.Sunsong: knocks on the wall next to the portal like it is a door
Fitheach Eun stuffs the burned map back into her pouch and pulls out Savages scribbles.
Talia.Sunsong: "Maybe it needs a secret word. Open sesame!"
Savage.Taurus: looks around, adjusting the levers and gears and gizmos on his spectacles, "Hold on....."
Fitheach Eun looks sternly at the portal and says "Mellon"
Savage.Taurus: "Interesting...veeeery interesting," he says cryptically
Fitheach Eun sighs: "Well it worked once."
Fiesty Lotus raises her staff but is confused
Fiesty Lotus: What does the book say Druid Fit?"
Savage.Taurus: There seem to be some magical runes floating around the entrance to the cave

What Savage Sees

Fiesty Lotus: "Runes? Where?"
Talia.Sunsong: looks around and swipes her hands through the air. "There are runes?"
Fiesty Lotus: "You see Runes Savage?"
Savage.Taurus: adjusts his specs a bit more, making whirling and clicking sounds
Fitheach Eun looks at Savage with interest: " What do you see?"
Savage.Taurus: "Yes, all around here," he says as he points to empty air
Savage.Taurus: They are slowly revolving around the entrance
Fiesty Lotus: "I don't see no Runes."
Fitheach Eun: " Me either"
Savage.Taurus: "You don't believe me? Ok, here. You take and look," he says, handling the spectacles to the hobbit
Fitheach Eun flips through the grimoire: "There are pages of runes in here; do these look like they match anything?
Fiesty Lotus takes the spectacles and holds them to her eyes (as they are too big for her)
Fiesty Lotus: "No, I still don't see no Runes."
Fiesty Lotus gives them to Druid Fit."
Savage.Taurus: crosses his arms defiantly
Fitheach Eun holds them up to her eyes and sees nothing
Talia.Sunsong: "I could use my bent magic wand on the portal."
Fitheach Eun proffers the book to Savage along with his spectacles
Fiesty Lotus: Noo, Wait a bit Fae Talia."
Fitheach Eun: "No wands Talia"
Fitheach Eun: "Does what you see match anything on this page?"
Fiesty Lotus: "We need to see how ter do this without wild magic."
Talia.Sunsong: holds Rorn near the portal. "Do you see runes, Rorn?" The baby dragon sniffs the air and darts after a dragonfly.

Savage Looks at the Runes in the Book

Savage.Taurus: takes the spectacles back along with the book, "Something wrong with y'all's eyes. That's all I got to say. Maybe they only work with my dragon sight. We have better vision that you lesser..err..other ...creatures"
Savage.Taurus: puts the glasses back on and scans the book..."Hmm...yea a lot of these runes are similar..."
Fitheach Eun look narrowly at Savage: " Elves have very good eyesight."
Savage.Taurus: "Well, apparently not good enough, little missy," he says with a smirk
Fitheach Eun sighs and shakes her head in exasperation
Savage.Taurus: "Shall I mark in the book, which runes I see?"
Fitheach Eun: "Please, Savage, maybe we can use them"
 Talia.Sunsong: "Maybe I can just walk through the portal." She strides forward and bumps her head on the wall.
Talia.Sunsong: "Ouch!"
Savage.Taurus: starts writing down which runes he can make out swirling around the portal, drawing diagrams and illustrations with footnotes
Fitheach Eun stifles a giggle at the silly fae
Fiesty Lotus watches Savage with the book.
Savage.Taurus: I hope you all can make something out of all this mumbo jumbo
Talia.Sunsong: Looks over his shoulder. "Memorizing all these runes looks like so much work. I'll never be a druid."
Fitheach Eun takes the book back from Savage and looks at his notes carefully
Fitheach Eun: Taking her staff she traces the shape of one of them on the ground...
Fitheach Eun: Nothing happens
Fiesty Lotus: Hmm, mebby in the air?
Fitheach Eun compares the rune in the grimoire to Savages drawing again...
Fiesty Lotus: Or on the portal?
Fitheach Eun: try one that way, my sister
Talia.Sunsong: Rorn lands on top of the cave, and looks upside down at the portal and the Druids
Fiesty Lotus traces one of Savages Runes in the air

Fiesty Draws the First Rune

Fiesty Lotus: "Oh my, look at that!"
Fitheach Eun gasps as a faint blue glowing rune appears in front of the portal
Fiesty Lotus: So, do yer have any clue how they go?
Talia.Sunsong: "Oh I can see Runes now! See Fae eyes are just as good as dragon eyes."
Fiesty Lotus: Yer try one now Druid Fit
Fitheach Eun draws another of the runes and see it form slowly hanging in the air
Fiesty Lotus: Alright, mebby another?
Talia.Sunsong: "Can you write my name in runes?"
Fitheach Eun looks at the notes again...
Fitheach Eun: "Maybe this one?"
Fiesty Lotus nods

Two Runes Appear

Talia.Sunsong: "I bet my name in runes does some powerful spell."
Fitheach Eun looks at the runes and the notes and points out another one to Fiesty
Fiesty Lotus: Alright.
Fiesty Lotus screws up her eyes and takes a stab at another Rune
Fitheach Eun: as soon as the fourth runes forms all of them start to glow brighter
Fiesty Lotus: Oh Lookit."
Talia.Sunsong: backs up "Something is happening!"

Four Runes Glow Brightly

Fitheach Eun: The runes pulse and glow and suddenly the portal opening glows as well
Fiesty Lotus: Yer think it's activated?
Fitheach Eun: The portal bursts out with dazzling lights
Fitheach Eun exclaims: "Fiesty do you remember that what the portal we came through did that?”
Fiesty Lotus: “It were black.”
Fitheach Eun: that was afterwards
Fiesty Lotus: “This is lively like.”
Fitheach Eun: “When we went into it, it glowed like this
Fiesty Lotus: “Yes- That's true.”

The Portal Bursts with Dazzling LIghts

Fiesty Lotus: “Well- there be only one way ter find out ter me thinkin.”
Fitheach Eun: “Yes but we need some supplies to take with us.”
Talia.Sunsong: "We need to prepare? But I want to just walk through."
Fiesty Lotus: “Yes, and we gotta tell Can.”
Fitheach Eun: “No Talia, suppose we can't get back?”
Fitheach Eun: “All of us need to go together.”
Talia.Sunsong: "Wellll, but it might be more fun there."
Fitheach Eun: “Let's go back to the ship and get ready?”
Fiesty Lotus: “Yup, that be  good thinkin.”
Talia.Sunsong: "Pack lots of food."
Fiesty Lotus nods
Fitheach Eun: "Of course, Talia; with you along we must."
Talia.Sunsong: "For Rorn, of course."
As they turn to go, the glow in the portal slowly dies.

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